What kind of question would you like answered?

Q: Who does Hazel marry at the end of the book?


(Just not in any literal, actual way. But then marriage itself is not really a literal or actual thing. It is a weird, nebulous, spiritual, constructed thing.)

Q: Is there a deeper meaning to the part where Hazel is talking about the times with her dad in the river at Holliday Park?

Well, the current of the river returns her to her father over and over again, so water is sort of this benevolent force in that scene. But water is not always a benevolent force in the book (for instance, it is filling her lungs and killing her). It was just a little example, one of many, of how water can function both as nourisher and destroyer.

Q: If Hazel gets tired just from walking a bit, how could her lungs support her having sex with Gus?

A lot of people ask this question.

First, people with all kinds of disabilities can and do have sex.

Secondly, despite what I guess you are seeing in porn or in the movies, sexual intercourse does not have to be a particularly aerobic activity. I suppose it’s helpful if at least one partner can do some work, but you’ll recall that Gus ascended the stairs at the Anne Frank House with relative ease.

Thirdly, I don’t know how y’all are doing it, but it’s not that challenging.

Q: You once mentioned that Hazel’s views on infinity was incorrect. Can you elaborate?

Well, Hazel is just flat wrong about infinity.

The infinite set between 0 and 1 is actually the same size as the infinite set between 0 and 2, so Hazel is technically incorrect.

(It is not easy to succinctly explain why this is, although this site does a reasonably good job—there, the example used is the set of positive integers being the same size as the set of all integers, but it’s the same principle.)

However, Van Houten is right* when he says that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. For instance, as proven by Cantor’s diagonal argument, the infinite set of real numbers is bigger than the infinite set of natural numbers.

So Hazel takes Van Houten’s correct observation and makes an intuitive but incorrect conclusion from it, albeit one that provides her with real and lasting comfort.

The idea there was that I liked that 16-year-olds could make—as they do—incorrect abstract conclusions about complex mathematics. But even if these conclusions are incorrect, they can provide real and lasting consolation. I felt like it would be too neat/tidy to have everything be correct; I wanted her to make incorrect inferences from Van Houten’s monologue that still guide her thinking in a correct/helpful direction.

*I am not a mathematician, but I tried my best to get this stuff right. I don’t mean ‘think’ in the sense that this is the kind of thing you’re allowed to have opinions about. You don’t get to have an opinion on whether .999… is equal to 1, for instance. It is equal to 1. People smarter than us have worked hard to figure this stuff out, and we owe it to them and to the universe to respect what they’ve figured out.

Q: Why did you have Hazel use “text language” when she abbreviates “Yours” to “Yrs”? As a teenager who hates “text language,” I find this very offensive.

I didn’t see it as txt language; I saw it as a callback to 19th century (and earlier) written correspondence, when yrs was a popular salutation.

This obviously dates me and is a weakness in the book, and I’m sorry.

I never think about txt language. I had no idea that people on sms contracted yours into yrs.

Q: A lot of people identify with TFiOS as Hazel identified with An Imperial Affliction. How does it feel to be somebody’s Peter Van Houten?


Q: When Hazel demands to know what happens to Anna’s mother, she’s asking what happens to her own mother. Was this intended to address an idea of a sequel? Implying that sequels don’t exist for a reason?

Right. It’s okay to live with finality. (And also, within these finite spaces/lives, there are infinite sets to be found.)

But this is dangerous thematic ground to tread, because saying that sequels don’t exist for a reason (i.e., that a book ends when it ends for a reason) and then linking finite fictions to finite human lives is dangerously close to saying that lives end for a reason, which (I hope) the book does not argue.

It seems to me that one of the pleasures and consolations of fiction is the ways in which it is not like life.

Q: What do you think of Laurence Perrine’s claim that the problem with symbols is we believe they mean anything we want? He argues that symbols are confined to an area of meaning defined by the author.

I don’t think the area of meaning is defined by the author—at least not exclusively—but otherwise I agree.

When I say books belong to their readers, I do not mean, “If you think Huck Finn is a novel that defends slavery, you are entitled to your opinion.” That reading is wrong. It’s as wrong as thinking that 2 + 3 = 7.

I mean that readers should not define reading as the act of divining an author’s intents. Readers are co-creators of a fiction, and should be empowered.

As a thought experiment: Imagine that Huck Finn contained the exact same words that it currently contains, but that Mark Twain insisted it was a book about how slavery is a great idea. I would argue that Mark Twain would be every bit as wrong about the novel as anyone else who thinks that it is a pro-slavery novel.

The author defines the area of meaning through choosing the words in the novel. But beyond the words in the novel, the author is not in the defining-an-area-of-meaning game. Readers do that collectively.

(All of this stated with the caveat that I might be wrong and have been wrong before.)

Q: Why was Hazel so hung up on what happened to Anna’s mother and the other characters in AIA?

Well, I guess Hazel wants to know what will happen to her own mother after she dies, right? Hazel is very concerned about the way that her illness hurts her parents, and she is very concerned that her death will devastate or incapacitate them, which is why it means so much to Hazel when she finds out that her mom is planning to have a life even when she is gone.

But to think about those things directly is so terrifying and so awful and so upsetting that she thinks about them through the lens of AIA instead. (We all do this a million times a day in one form or another.) So she is focused on whether Anna’s mother ends up okay for the same reason Holden Caulfield wants to know if the ducks in the pond end up okay: She wants to know that she’ll be okay, and that her family will be okay.

Q: Was it purposeful to make Hazel an only child?

It was purposeful. I needed Hazel to believe (at least at the beginning of the book) that upon her death, her mom would no longer be a mom. That was really important to me.

Q: Do you think Gus’s decision not to tell Hazel about his relapse was a selfish or selfless act?

I think that’s more of a both/and proposition than an either/or one.

Q: What kind of relationship do you have with your characters?

I am conscious that they don’t exist, but I still feel bad for them.

This is the same way I feel about house elves, come to think of it.

Q: What is the significance of Hazel calling Augustus “Gus” towards the end of his life? It was pretty unnoticeable until August mentioned it.

Yes, well, I had to have Gus point it out just in case you weren’t noticing it. :) 

Augustus is a big name. It’s the name of the first emperor of the Roman Empire, a name one associates with confidence and bravado and marble statues and stuff. Gus is a much shorter, smaller name—the kind of name that appears in children’s picture books, for instance. In some ways, they’re opposites: the one a big, strong man; the other, a fragile and endangered little boy.

Hazel calls him Gus more as she knows him better, as the manic pixie dream boy falls away and she comes to know and grapple with and love this fragile, desperate, beautiful boy.

When they’re on the plane together and his facade breaks down and he gets nervous and excited about flying for the first time and she can’t help but like him, that’s Gus. When he’s using big words slightly incorrectly, that’s Augustus. :)

Q: Do you think Phalanxifor is a drug that will ever really exist?

Drugs like phalanxifor will exist, although probably with less metaphorically resonant names.

Phalanxifor is based on the breast cancer drug herceptin, which is for certain patients very effective. Targeted therapies like herceptin are a very promising site of research in cancer treatment, though, and hopefully there will be hundreds of drugs like it within the next decade or two.

(That said, it is now clear that “curing cancer” will be extremely complex, because cancer is not just one disease. It is thousands—arguably millions—of diseases.)

Q: Why does Hazel get annoyed when her dad cries around her?

I think she just hates hurting him. She worries a lot that she will become a mere sadness in her parents’ lives, and at one point explicitly says that she feels like she is the alpha and the omega of her parents’ suffering. And it becomes impossible to forget that when she sees her dad crying.

Q: How do I explain to people that certain mathematical facts are facts (i.e. infinities, .999...=1) when they refuse to understand the mathematics behind it. How do I do this without being rude?

The general problem here is one of entitlement: People think it is okay to have an opinion about facts. This happens all the time and not only in mathematics (as, for instance, when people think it is legitimate to have the opinion that capitalism hasn’t resulted in GDP growth, or that humans aren’t contributing to climate change, or that Huck Finn is pro-slavery).

You are not entitled to have an opinion about a fact.

But anyway, for a good explanation of why .999… = 1, visit wikipedia.

Q: What are your opinions on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

I think people tend to spend a lot of their time thinking about food when they are hungry. But to classify this phenomenon into some rigid hierarchy is ridiculous and unfair to the hungry, because it says, “The highfalutin’ world of art and music and philosophy is not for you. It is only for we rich, well-fed people.” That bothers me.

In general, Maslow’s ideas about human motivation don’t hold up for me, and the whole affair smacks of the mid-20th century believe that psychology could describe and quantify human experience and behavior at least as precisely as physics can describe and quantify gravity.

Q: As a Christian, sometimes it’s hard to believe in a God that will love me and protect me forever. As someone who has worked in a hospital as a children’s chaplain, how do you reconcile the two?

I think you have define your terms pretty carefully—terms like “God” and “love” and protect” and especially “forever” mean different things to different people. So you have to decide what those words mean to you, and it may be that these words are being defined for you in a way that you find to be theologically inconsistent or implausible way. (This is pretty common, I think.)

The actual seeing of horrible things shouldn’t affect your worldview that much, at least if you’re able to acknowledge and internalize the reality (and relative commonness) of horrible things. If you understand that half the planet lives on less than $2.50 a day, that for almost all of human history infant mortality was above 20%, that until very recently children dying of disease was astonishingly common, you do not need to see anything personally to have trouble reconciling some constructions of God with the reality of suffering in the world.

(It’s also very important to note—and remember that I am saying this from a faith-based perspective—that religion did absolutely nothing to change any of that. There’s no evidence that over the last 1,000 years, Christians have on average been less poor or sick than Muslims, for instance.)

That doesn’t negate theistic worldviews in any way. But theistic worldviews that fail to grapple meaningfully and thoughtfully with the world as it is are not very interesting to me.

Q: Why do you say that your opinions on your books have no more weight that anyone else’s? Don’t you know the text better than any of its readers?

I don’t know the text better than any of its readers. That’s just factually incorrect. I don’t have access to a secret story. I do not know what happens outside of the story any more than anyone else does.

Stop privileging the voice of the writer. Empower yourself. You are the reader. It is your story.

Q: In chapter two, when Augustus wants to take Hazel down to “show her the basement,” are his attentions honorable?

Oh I assume because he wants to make out with her. Is that strictly honorable? I think it is!